BSNL VIP Numbers: Price, Sample Number, Benefits & How to Get One (India) 


A BSNL VIP or vanity number is a fancy mobile number with a special combination of digits, making it easy to remember and giving your mobile number a unique identity. These numbers are categorised into different levels based on their demand and sequence of digits. If you are a BSNL user and a fan of such unique numbers, you have come to the right place. In this story, we have listed everything about BSNL VIP numbers, their cost, benefits, and how to get one. So, without any further ado, let’s jump straight in:

Types of BSNL VIP Numbers (Pattern, Sample Number, Price)

BSNL likes categorising its VIP numbers into several different patterns based on their demand and sequence of digits. For example, some numbers have the last five digits even and identical. Besides, there are numbers where the first five digits repeat for the next five digits, or there can be numbers ending with ‘000’.

So, basically, BSNL sorts out these special numbers in various patterns and charges them accordingly. Below, we have mentioned different patterns offered by BSNL along with its base price in India.

Pattern Description Sample Number Base Price in (Rs)
ABCDEFG 786 Number last 3 digits ending with 786 9480067 786 1000
ABCD Ascending Numbers with Last 6 digits in ascending order 82 77 234567 10000
ABCDE ABCDE 1st 5 digits Repeats for next 5 digits 82775 82775 10000
A XYZ XYZ XYZ A group of 3 digits repeats thrice 8 762 762762 10000
ABCDEF 9999 Last 4 digits with ‘9’s 876207 9999 10000
ABCDE X (Even) Numbers with Last 5 Even digits identical 82772 00000 13000
ABCDE XXXXX (Odd) Numbers with Last 5 Odd digits identical 82771 55555 15000
ABCD X ABCD Y 1st 4 digits Repeats from 6th digit 9482 1 9482 2 2000
ABCDEFG 000 Last 3 digits with ‘000’ digits 948 04 05 000 2000
ABCD XXXXXX (Even Nos) Numbers with Last 6 digits identical 8277 444 444 20000
ABCDE 11111 Numbers with Last 5 digits ‘1’s 82775 11111 20000
ABCD XXXXXX (Odd No.s) Numbers with Last 6 digits identical 8277 111 111 22000
ABCDE XXXXX (Odd) Numbers with last 5 digits 7’s 82771 77777 25000
ABCD XYZ XYZ Last 6 digits of repletion of triple digit No 876206 0000 3000
ABCDE EDCBA Last 5 digits Shadow of 1st 5 digits 94839 93849 3000
ABCD XXX YYY Repetition of grp of 3 digits in last 6 digits 82 77 111 999 4000
ABCDEF XXXX (Even) Last 4 even digits identical 876206 0000 4000
ABCDWF Ascending Last 4 digits in Ascending Order 948 123 3456 4000
ABCD XY XY XY A group of 2 digits Repeats thrice 9483 07 07 07 5000
ABCDEF XXXX (Odd) Last 4 digits ‘ Odd’ digits 948330 7777 5000

Note: Keep in mind that many more patterns are available beyond those listed above. These patterns are chosen based on market demand, and their base prices are set according to marketing strategies.

BSNL Vanity Numbers

BSNL offers vanity numbers for mobile customers, which are fancy numbers with specific digit combinations. These numbers are categorised into different levels based on their sequence and representation:

  • Level-1 Plus and Level-1 Category numbers are sold under open sale after 3 e-auction cycles at the last successful e-auction price plus applicable taxes.
  • Level-2 Category numbers are sold under open sale after 1 e-auction cycle.
  • Level-3 Category numbers are also sold under open sale after 1 e-auction cycle.

How to Get a BSNL VIP Number

BSNL offers VIP Numbers through an e-auction process for eligible customers, companies, and similar firms within the corresponding Licensed Service Area, which includes the Telecom Circle. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get a BSNL VIP Number:


  • Individuals: Must be a citizen of India.
  • Companies/Firms: Must be an Indian-registered company.

Requirements for Companies/Firms

  • Certificate of Incorporation: Submit a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation along with the articles and Memorandum of Association.
  • Income Tax Returns: Provide the latest acknowledged copy of the Income Tax return form.

Requirements for Individuals

  • Address Proof and Identity Proof: Submit valid address proof and identity proof as per BSNL guidelines.

Auction Process

bsnl vip number

  • Participate in the e-auction conducted by BSNL for the Vanity Numbers.
  • The successful bidder will be allotted the VIP number.

Services and Tariff

  • The vanity number will come with all facilities as per the chosen plan, including SMS, MMS, and international roaming, as per BSNL’s published tariff.

Benefits of Having a BSNL VIP Number

A VIP or fancy BSNL mobile number gives your number a distinct and stylish identity. These numbers have unique digit combinations that make them easy to remember. Besides, these numbers can be used for both personal and professional purposes. As a result, many individuals or businesses opt for these numbers where having a memorable contact number is crucial for their business.

Furthermore, you can choose a number matching your address code, birthdate, lucky number, or other personal preferences, making it more meaningful and valuable.


What is the BSNL VIP number?

BSNL VIP numbers are also termed Vanity/Fancy/Premium numbers. They follow different patterns depending on their sequence of repetition and representation of specific numbers.

How to get BSNL reserve number?

To get a BSNL reserve number, you’ll need to participate in the e-auctions conducted by the company on its official website.

How to bid BSNL fancy numbers?

To bid for BSNL fancy numbers, visit the BSNL e-auction website, select your desired number, and submit your bid. If your bid is successful, you’ll need to pay the required amount to claim the number.

How to get a free VIP number from BSNL?

Unfortunately, BSNL does not offer free VIP or fancy numbers. These numbers are sold through e-auctions and already come with a base price determined by the marketing strategy.

What is a fancy number?

A fancy number is nothing but a different term used for a special number. These numbers are categorised by their repeating sequences and unique patterns.