WhatsApp Events Feature Now Available in Groups: Everything to Note

  • WhatsApp’s event management feature is now available in groups.
  • Users can now easily plan their events and confirm the attendance of other group members.

WhatsApp has started rolling out the Events feature in groups. Users can now plan events, discuss schedule details, and confirm RSVP status with other members. The feature was previously available in WhatsApp communities and has now been extended to regular WhatsApp Groups.

Events in WhatsApp Groups: What is it?

The Events feature in WhatsApp lets users create an interactive message, similar to a calendar invite. The user can mention details like date, time, and location. Other group members can respond to the message to confirm their attendance.

Replies from other users are only visible inside the interactive message. This makes it easier for all members to track the responses compared to manually searching for individual replies in an entire chat. The event’s message can also be pinned in the chat.

The feature is currently under a phased rollout and will soon be available to all WhatsApp users worldwide. Events will be accessible to both stable and beta version users. Initially, it will be available in the regular WhatsApp app and is soon expected to arrive on WhatsApp for Business.

In related news, WhatsApp is also working on a feature that will let users add replies in Community groups. This will allow admins to get feedback from group members. These responses can be added directly to a single message instead of the chat. However, WhatsApp has not yet disclosed the rollout timeline for this feature.

WhatsApp recently also introduced Meta AI support in India. It allows users to interact with the Meta AI chatbot by asking questions. It can suggest message ideas, curate long texts and essays, generate images, and more. The chatbot is available for free to all users. Meta AI is accessible as a separate chat and can also be tagged in DMs using @MetaAI.