Instagram Might Soon Show Unskippable Ads to Users as Part of Ad Breaks

  • Several Reddit users have posted about a new Instagram feature called Ad Breaks.
  • Users report that the platform has forced them to watch short, unskippable ads.

Instagram, the short video and photo-sharing social media platform, is reportedly testing a new feature called Ad Breaks. According to several Reddit users, the Meta-owned platform shows unskippable ads to a small group of users. The Reddit post is filled with comments from various disgruntled users considering leaving the app for good and looking for an alternative.

Instagram Ad Breaks Will Show Unskippable Ads to Users

The Reddit post comes from the user @notthatogwiththename in the official Instagram subreddit on the forum. According to the original poster, while Instagram is already full of ads in every section, making them unskippable will be the last straw. According to the post, users cannot scroll past the unskippable ads while browsing their feeds.

Instagram Ad Breaks will show unskippable ads to users soon.
Instagram Ad Breaks will show unskippable ads to users soon.

While these ads are quite short, ranging from three to five seconds in length, they can be quite jarring when users are trying to catch up on updates from their loved ones or favourite creators. Moreover, there has not been any official announcement from the platform in this regard, and the Reddit post is filled with multiple comments about its introduction without any prior intimation.

In the same Reddit post, a user reported that since the feature was introduced without any information, they tried to provide feedback about it to Instagram. However, to the user’s dismay, they found nothing about Ad Breaks while trying to register feedback.

As of now, it appears that Instagram might be conducting an A/B test to determine users’ reactions and the impact of Ad Break on its ad revenue. Instagram and other Meta-owned platforms rely on ad revenue. Whether Instagram will roll out Ad Break to all users in its current form or make changes based on users’ reactions remains to be seen.