ChatGPT Introduces Custom GPTs For All Free Users

  • Custom GPTs allow users to get faster responses over a selected topic.
  • ChatGPT can also help you analyze Excel sheets and PDFs, summarize YouTube videos, and do more.

OpenAI has finally opened access to custom GPTs to free users of ChatGPT. These custom GPTs can be used to perform specific tasks focused on certain topics. Previously, these were only available to paid users. ChatGPT has also started rolling out its latest GPT-4o model to free users, which is faster and more efficient than GPT-3.5.

Custom GPTs Now Available For Free ChatGPT Users

A custom GPT is like a mini chatbot inside ChatGPT with expertise in a certain field. They focus their answers and results around a specific topic, which helps to generate relatable answers and avoid unnecessary information. For example, a custom GPT of Chess will be more efficient in answering your queries related to the game; the regular version of ChatGPT may include out-of-context elements in its responses.

Users of ChatGPT can now use these custom GPTs to increase their productivity for free. These can be accessed from the Explore GPTs section in ChatGPT. Some popular custom GPTs include DALL-E, Canva, Excel GPT, AI PDF, YouTube Summarizer, and many more.

Although free ChatGPT users can now use these custom GPTs, they cannot make their custom mini chatbot. The functionality to create a new custom GPT is only available to paid users. Currently, users have free access to more than 100 custom GPTs across various topics like writing, productivity, research, analysis, education, programming, lifestyle, etc.

GPT-4o Rollout Started For All Users

OpenAI recently announced its new AI model GPT-4o with powerful language translation features. The company has started rolling out this new model for all free users with certain daily limits. Once users exhaust their daily quota, ChatGPT shifts back to GPT-3.5.

The highlights of GPT-4o are real-time language translation, including voice input and output. It also supports 20 Indian languages such as Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu, Urdu, Tamil, and more. This new AI model can also analyze screenshots and provide context related to the information displayed on your screen.